For more information or if you would like a copy of the film please email me at

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

All done

Well the films all finished now and it has been an interesting experience. In the last few weeks I have come out of the little sphere of work I had created for myself and realized there is a big world out there and I need to start looking for a job in it. I've also finally finished off a few outstanding issues which I'd ran out of time with before the deadline, so now I'm happy to say I can draw a line under this project.

The film was screened at harbour lights for my degree's end of year show and went down well I hope. It won the award for best aesthetic amongst my graduating year, so I couldn't be more pleased!. I'm now in process of submitting OMAHD to some festivals so hopefully there's still some mileage in the film yet.

Below are some screen shots from the finished Film. Thanks for looking at this blog!