For more information or if you would like a copy of the film please email me at

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

The First Step

The initial inspiration for this film came from one of my favourite animations, Belleville Rendevouz.

What i particularly like about this style is the amount detial on screen at any time. Also the composition of the shots throughout the film use a variety of camera angles providing an intresting and original take on animation.

There are some similarities between my own film and Belleville and for this reason i'm planning to develop my own visual style.


Solent animation said...

the thing i like about the environments in this is that they contain such a limited pallette and work with value.....since your film starts out on the feature that your character has been dumped and left with very little, have you thought about how you might populate your world to look busy with so little/?

Jack Bonnington said...

well I have thought about keeping my backgrounds busy with items such as beer bottles, wires, magazines, scattered around to suggest his 'bumish' lifestyle. i was also thinking of using a lot of textures and interesting paintbrushes in photoshop, to suggest the neglect of his flat