For more information or if you would like a copy of the film please email me at

Monday, 29 December 2008

Progress and Influences

After watching 101 Dalmatians I was impressed with the stylised aesthetic (at least for the first half of the film). This got me thinking more seriously about my background artwork, so I'll take this opportunity to briefly collate some of the more important influences.

101 Dalmatians- i like the cluttered look, the strong composition. Each element in the picture looks as if it could be separate, there's very little texture.

Childe Hassam The Room of Flowers- has the same cluttered look of 101 but in a more abstract way. The composition is kept interesting by large objects breaking up the page, and the diagonal perspective lines created by the windows.

Carel Weight Datsun Cherry- Weight's selective use of perspective gives an interesting look and a naivety to the picture. I like the structure of the houses.

Below are some examples of experimentation in photoshop. Although none of these capture the tone of the film, they're all too light, I like the texture in the second image but a lot of the detail is lost. Ill try for something more subtle, more similar to Childe Hassam.

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